Welcome to the world of heartfelt words

Printed Poetry Picks

Beautiful (Printed Poem)


Ethel Proud (Printed Poem)


Today (Printed Poem)


The April Olivia Story

Sometimes people dream dreams and other times they live them. This is mine. April Olivia is the manifestation of what my heart desired since I was a young child. It's a business where your heart is allowed to say more, do more, and BE more! 

In 2009, April Olivia was established as a Stationery Business. Facing a layoff from what was hoped to be a lifelong career, I (April, whose middle name is Olivia :)  was encouraged to follow my heart and pursue my passion for writing and my desire to own a greeting card company. It was then that I realized I had been living my PLAN B and it was now time to go after PLAN A! A poet since childhood, my initial plan was to write poetry inside of cards and find someone to design them for me. Somehow, the poet also became a designer, an author, and now a love and life coach!

I’ve learned that even when we think we know the destination, it’s the journey that is most important. And though we’ve gone from handmade cards, to notecard sets, to personalized items, to poetry, to coaching, one thing has remained clear: The purpose has not changed. The “heart always has more to say,” and there’s nothing I want more, than to help you say it.

Connect with April on social media!